Miss Germany Corporation GmbH & Co KG
Recommended Providers
Overall Rating
Distribution of rating stars
5 Stars | 62.5% |
4 Stars | 0% |
3 Stars | 0% |
2 Stars | 0% |
1 Star | 37.5% |
Profile Overview
About Miss Germany Corporation GmbH & Co KG
Company description: Not available
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- Public Relations: 100%
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Feedbax Reviews
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A show for woke. And of course the colleague on the jury wins.
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This is not a fake review I am very unhappy with the choice
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Incredibly hypocritical, marketing feminism so incompetently that it ends in ridicule and fraud.
The transformation of Miss Germany into a platform for women empowerment is not only an important topic, but also incredibly timely. I don't know of a better platform for this in the German-speaking world. Keep it up.
Good team. High quality events.

Thank you very much! We are very happy to hear that - we will continue to do our best!