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Overall Rating
Distribution of rating stars
5 Stars | 61.1% |
4 Stars | 5.6% |
3 Stars | 5.6% |
2 Stars | 0% |
1 Star | 27.8% |
Profile Overview
COMBERA GmbH has been operating on the German market since 1976 and is now a specialist in sales outsourcing, field marketing and POS marketing. With the business units POS Marketing, POS Intelligence and POS Sales, the company offers its customers fast solutions for short-term tactical or long-term strategic personnel-supported measures in the sales area.
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Questionable company, where apparently nobody knows exactly what they do or who has to do what where or is responsible for what! Contacting them (we don't know this phone number) is a complete disaster, just like the alleged feedback that is supposed to follow (3 months so far). Training in dealing with people would be advisable and absolutely necessary!
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Once an employee ... that's all I'll say!
I have been a good, fair and appreciative employer for over 15 years!
Expertise around the POS ππΌ

Dear Detlef Gutsche, thank you very much for your positive feedback. We are happy that you are a part of COMBERA and wish you continued success and fun with us! Best regards from the COMBERA team
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unprofessional behavior of the superiors!