Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft mbH
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Overall Rating
Distribution of rating stars
5 Stars | 66.7% |
4 Stars | 0% |
3 Stars | 0% |
2 Stars | 0% |
1 Star | 33.3% |
Profile Overview
About Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft mbH
Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft independently and comprehensively compiles up-to-date facts and analyses for the entire agricultural business
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- Market Research: 100%
Market Research
- Market Studies & Analysis: 100 %
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Just looking at a graph regarding dairy cow farming by herd size in 12th grade geography class. TOTALLY CONFUSING, MY TEACHER IS FREAKING OUT HERE AND I HAVE EXISTENTIAL FEARS. HELP!!!
Serious business partner that keeps its promises. Well positioned for the future in terms of personnel policy (mobile workplace, work-life balance).
Good company interesting business